


The primary obstacle preventing widespread adoption of streaming media for pre-大学 education has been the long-standing problem of the digital divide. This means that schools cannot design their curricula around an assumption of network availability for students (or teachers) and must avoid inadvertently widening social inequalities. 在联邦层面, closing the digital divide is a task that falls to the Department of Commerce’s National Telecommunications and Information Administration (NTIA). This organization provides federal leadership on wireless spectrum policy and wired network build-out and is a few years removed from full responsibility for the global DNS system. NTIA还与美国情报机构合作.S. Census Bureau to publish the “NTIA Internet Use Survey” roughly every 2 years. The most recent survey came out in June 2020, featuring data as of November 2019.

调查中最相关的人口统计数据是"家庭中的学龄儿童." For this population, it shows a steep decline in desktop computer use since 2011 (down to 23.7%从47.5%),稳定使用笔记本电脑(43%).6%),以及智能电视使用的强劲趋势(44%).6%). 86岁.2%的人有 家里有固定的互联网服务在美国,没有孩子的家庭(85个)略高于没有孩子的家庭(85个).5%). The digital divide has been steadily shrinking since the NTIA began tracking broadband adoption, 但它的规模仍然很大.

2019年10月号 流媒体, I investigated what teachers who want to introduce video into their curriculum can do to avoid leaving out students who don’t have good internet access at home. The article makes the same assumption that the NTIA’s Broad­bandUSA program makes: The 提供公共互联网接入的最佳方式 to communities with low broad­band adoption rates is at places like libraries, 医院, 以及其他值得信赖的地方机构.

Unfortu-nately, 既不是我也不是道格·金科夫, 他是NTIA宽带领域的领军人物, built that plan for a scenario that involves both staying at home and widespread remote learning at K–12 public schools. Great internet access at the library is of little use to students when the doors are shuttered.

今年秋天, many school districts have concluded that completely closing the digital divide in their community is a more tractable problem than managing the COVID-19 outbreaks that face-to-face instruction at brick-and-mortar schools could cause. Districts around the country are getting kids connected to whatever networks are available for remote learning. The Atlanta Public Schools district partnered with Comcast for the Get Our Kids Connected campaign. This effort solicits sponsors for Comcast’s steeply discounted Internet Essentials package, 合资格的家庭每月可获得10元的服务. The Dallas Independent School District issued mobile hotspots to students who don’t have internet access. The Detroit Public Schools Community District’s Connected Futures program provides students who don’t have home internet with 6 months of 4G data. The Baltimore City Public Schools are subsidizing both wired and wireless internet while also seeking to expand on a grassroots mesh network to deliver coverage in areas where internet adoption is the lowest.

我在伊利诺伊州尚佩恩的社区., was a recipient of a $22 million grant from the NTIA about a decade ago to build a fiber network in neighborhoods with low internet adoption rates. Our school district has built wireless mesh networks on top of it to provide free municipal Wi-Fi for students in areas with the highest density of need and supplied mobile hotspots and subsidized Comcast Internet Essentials subscriptions where needed in areas with lower density. 农村学区, there are few good options beyond adapting the original BroadbandUSA plan of delivering network access wherever students can safely congregate and offering families a choice of in-person or remote learning to decrease the number of students in the schools.

当尘埃落定,疫情消退时, these efforts could have ramifications for public education: Schools may emerge re-energized with robust new teaching tools, or home schooling with a remote component may prove an attractive long-term option for a disruptive proportion of families.

现在就订阅 最新一期 过去的问题


Educators learned a lot about video learning over the last 18 months. 大多数学校将在今年秋天重新开学, how do you integrate those new skills and techniques into the physical classroom?


Both student privacy and accessibility need to be considered by any school, 大学, 或者是使用视频教学的大学.


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一些学校正在转向新闻广播式的视频公告. Icecast offers an effective way to deliver them efficiently and effectively.


With more learning materials going online, educators need to be sure all their students have access. Learn about programs that show the limits of poor-quality networks.